Foods runners should have in their fridge

This off-season has not been good for me in terms of weight control.  As a sprinter, I am supposed to be able to have a power-to-weight ratio as high as possible, which means that I need to carry as little "dead weight" as possible. At 26% of body fat on my scale, I am far from my goal of 20% body fat.  After 2 seasons of focusing solely on improving my technique and getting stronger, it is time for me to take a second look at my diet.  The issue is that I am hungry all the time. I just cannot think of a time when I would say no to food.  My first step towards losing weight would therefore be to change the kind of food I have access to when hunger and cravings hit me.

On January the 1st, I decided to join personal trainer Andreana Troyer's Reach Your Peak Mountain Challenge and to closely follow her nutrition advice.  I started by looking at her "Food You Should Eat" and "Foods to Avoid" lists and decided to start my diet transformation by visualizing what my fridge should be filled with and creating a mosaic to remember it:

With this picture, all I will have to do is to look at it and open my fridge to see what is missing before going out for my weekly grocery shopping.  Looking at this picture will also help me get ideas of meals to prepare.

Next, I am planning to create a similar picture for my cupboard (flours, beans, spices, etc.) and another of all the foods that need to be banned from my kitchen.

Any suggestions of foods I should add to this mosaic? The seeds are flaxseed, chia and quinoa since I have been told they should be kept in the fridge.