Ready 2 Run 30-Day Challenge

Join the first ever R2R daily-exercise challenge for free for a chance to win healthy prizes!
Success Calendar
I have now created a FREE 30-day training challenge that will take less than 5 minutes of your time to complete. The exercises start very short and simple, and progress in length and complexity day after day. At the end of the 30 days, you should have stronger foundations to run better and with less risk of injury.

Interested in taking on the challenge? Just email me and I will send you the workouts by email.

Do all the exercises of the challenge, post about your results on the Facebook page, and you could win prizes from my sponsors.

Do you have 5 minutes to spare every day?
Do you want to become a better, faster, healthier runner?
Do you want to have better balance?
Stronger feet?
A stronger core?
Less calf or foot soreness?  

If you have your doctor's consent to start exercising, join the Ready 2 Run team in doing the 30-day challenge!

Make sure to never continue doing an exercise if you feel any kind of pain or discomfort.